Navigating Volatility Lab

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Volatility Lab

Navigating Market Volatility

Options Volatility Lab
Our comprehensive kit of options volatility tools provides a snapshot of past and future readings for volatility on a stock, its industry peers and some measure of the broad market.
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Options Volatility Lab
Implied Volatility

Implied Volatility

Implied Volatility plots the anticipated volatility of the selected stock using the prevailing option premium. See at a glance whether or not implied volatility is relatively high in any given month, possibly caused by expected earnings announcements or uncertainty over possible changes to dividend payments.

Historical Volatility

Historical Volatility

The Historical Volatility plots a 30-day reading of both implied and historical volatility against the share price over custom period that you define. A light gray line in the background plots the reading for the underlying share price.

Historical Volatility
Industry Comparisons

Industry Comparisons

See how your selected stock’s volatility measures up against the volatility of comparable companies in the same industry in the Industry Comparison tab.

Options Volatility Lab Users’ Guide

With customizable settings and color-coded plots, the Volatility Lab makes it easy to compare and contrast the option market’s views on the volatility of any selected stock over the coming months.

View Users’ Guide

Options Volatility Lab Users’ Guide

Il rischio di perdite derivanti dalla negoziazione online di azioni, opzioni, future, valute, azioni estere e obbligazioni può essere significativo. La negoziazione di opzioni non è adatta a tutti gli investitori. Consulta l'informativa "Characteristics & Risks of Standardized Options" per saperne di più.

Il tuo capitale è a rischio e l'entità delle perdite può superare quella dell'investimento originario.

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