Interest Charged Examples


For questions about interest rate issues, please use the Inquiry Ticket or Chat system located in the Support menu of Account Management / Client Portal. When determining the quoted spread, IBKR will use the set benchmark rate or a benchmark rate of 0 for all benchmark rates less than 0.

For all below examples assume benchmark rates as follows:

Benchmark (BM) Rate
Reference Benchmark USD 5.32%
Reference Benchmark EUR 3.40%
Reference Benchmark CHF 1.32%
Reference Benchmark GBP 4.91%

Example 1 - Interest Charged To You (USD)

When you borrow money, we'll charge you daily interest on your borrowed money as follows:

Statement Reflects

USD Total
Ending Settled Cash -600,000

Interest Calculation

Reference Benchmark USD: 5.32%

Tier Balance Tier Spread Cash Interest in USD Calculation
0 - 100,000 1.50% -100,000 18.94 100,000 x (5.32% + 1.50%)/360
100,000.01 - 1,000,000 1.00% -500,000 87.78 500,000 x (5.32% + 1.00%)/360
1,000,000.01 - 50,000,000 0.75% 0 0.00
50,000,000.01 - 200,000,000 0.50% 0 0.00
> 200,000,000 1.50% 0 0.00
Total Debit Interest Charged 106.72

Example 2 - Interest Charged to You on a Negative Cash Balance

When you have a negative (debit) cash balance in your combined securities and commodities account and a negative (debit) balance in your UKL account, we'll charge you daily interest on the net debit balance as follows:

Statement Reflects

GBP Total
Ending Settled Cash -160,000

Calculate interest on universal account balance -160,000

Reference Benchmark GBP: 4.91%

Tier Balance Tier Spread Cash Interest in GBP Calculation
0 - 80,000 1.50% -80,000 14.05 80,000 x (4.91%+1.50%)/365
80,000.01 - 800,000 1.00% -80,000 12.95 80,000 x (4.91%+1.00%)/365
800,000.01 - 38,000,000 0.75% 0 0.00
38,000,000.01 - 150,000,000 0.50% 0 0.00
> 150,000,000 1.50% 0 0.00  
Total Debit Interest Charged 27.00

Example 3 - Interest Charged to You (EUR) on a net Negative Cash Balance

When your combined security and commodity accounts are negative (debit) and your UKL account is positive (credit) leading to a combined negative (debit) universal account balance interest will be calculated as follows:

Statement Reflects

EUR Total
Ending Settled Cash -10,000

Calculate interest on a net negative (debit) balance of 10,000

Reference Benchmark EUR: 3.40%

Tier Balance Tier Spread Cash Interest in EUR Calculation
0 - 90,000 1.50% -10,000 1.36 10,000 x (3.40%+1.50%)/360
90,000.01 - 900,000 1.00% 0 0.00  
900,000.01 - 44,000,000 0.75% 0 0.00  
44,000,000.01 - 180,000,000 0.50% 0 0.00  
> 180,000,000 1.50% 0 0.00  
Total Debit Interest Charged 1.36

Example 4 - Interest Calculation on Negative CHF Cash Balance

When you borrow money in CHF, interest will be calculated as follows:

Statement Reflects

CHF Total
Ending Settled Cash -600,000

Interest Calculation

Reference Benchmark CHF: 1.32%

Tier Balance Tier Spread Cash Interest in CHF Calculation
0 - 90,000 1.50% -90,000 7.05 90,000 x (1.32%+1.50%)/360
90,000.01 - 900,000 1.00% -510,000 32.86 510,000 x (1.32%+1.00%)/360
900,000.01 - 46,000,000 0.75% 0 0.00
46,000,000.01 - 180,000,000 0.50% 0 0.00
> 180,000,000 1.50% 0 0.00  
Total Debit Interest Charged 39.91

Le trading électronique d'actions, d'options, de contrats à terme, de devises, de participations étrangères, et de produits à revenu fixe présente un risque élevé de perte. Le trading d'options ne convient pas à tous les investisseurs. Pour plus d'informations, veuillez vous référer au document « Characteristics and Risks of Standardized Options ».

Vous exposez votre capital à un risque de pertes dont le montant peut être supérieur à celui initialement investi.

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