Find a single or compound ETF (Exchange Traded Fund) that has similar performance attributes to a Mutual Fund or ETF you're thinking about investing in, but with fewer fees and at a lower overall cost.
Enter a Mutual Fund or ETF along with an investment amount, and the Mutual Fund/ETF Replicator scans the market to find ETFs whose performance most closely parallels that of the fund or ETF you entered, and calculates the number of shares to buy to achieve that performance. Review comprehensive performance analysis and see the fee difference and percent of correlation between the original and all replicated contracts.
In the Mutual Fund/ETF Entry panel, first enter a fund or ETF in the Entry field, or use the Browse Mutual Funds link to find a fund family and a fund. If you would like the tool to return comparable ETFs with the highest liquidity, also check Consider Liquidity During Search.
The Investment Amount is used to calculate the number of shares of the returned contract required to create a comparable investment to the original entry. For example, an investment amount of 10,000 (the default amount) might purchase 573 shares of the original contract, but only 205 shares of the comparable ETF. If you know the amount you want to invest, enter it for a more precise result.
The highest correlated ETF and compound ETF will display on the two panels below the entry field.
When viewing the ETF, find the following data points:
Below the ETF panels, view the Performance Analysis table where you can find information about the historical comparison of the Mutual Fund and the ETF returned to you. The focus of the data highlights the exact percentage you can save in management fees.
The following fields are displayed:
Note: The one year performance and correlation values are calculated before expenses.
The bottom panel charts the Mutual Fund against the ETF to graphically display the rate of return after expenses over a one-year period. As you browse and mouseover each fund, you can view the rate percentage broken down to a daily basis.
Tooltips will display a side-by-side comparison of each fund. Mouse over the "D" symbol along the graph to view Cash Dividends and the Ex-Dividend date.
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