MEMX Exchange Fees

Remove Liquidity 1 Add Liquidity 2
Trades >= $1.00 USD 0.0030 USD (0.0026)3
Trades >= $1.00 Hidden Volume USD 0.0030 USD (0.0008)
Trades >= $1.00 Midpoint Peg USD 0.0030 USD (0.0008)
Trades >= $1.00, Routed USD 0.0030 N/A
Trades >= $1.00 Displayed Price Improvement N/A USD (0.0008)
Trades < $1.00 Trade Value * 0.0028 Trade Value * (0.00075)
Trades < $1.00 Hidden Volume Trade Value * 0.0028 Trade Value * (0.00075)
Trades < $1.00 Midpoint Peg Trade Value * 0.0028 Trade Value * (0.00075)
Trades < $1.00, Routed Trade Value * 0.003 N/A
Trades < $1.00 Displayed Price Improvement N/A Trade Value * (0.00075)


  • Rebates are in parentheses.
  1. Orders that are immediately executed against an existing bid or offer on an exchange's or ECN's order book.
  2. Adding an order to an exchange or ECN's order book before being executed.
  3. This is a special rate that is more favorable than the exchange's base rate. As exchange member (and therefore the party who receives the rebate from the exchange), our U.S. affiliate, Interactive Brokers LLC ("IBLLC"), normally shares rebates with clients at the exchange's base rate, even if IBLLC obtains a better rate from the exchange as a result of exceeding certain volume tiers (or otherwise). IBLLC has elected, in this instance, to share the full amount of this special rebate tier with clients, but reserves the right to change this client rebate rate to the base rate at any time, upon notice. IBUK does not retain any portion of any such exchange rebate but rather passes through to you any such amounts that it may receive from IBLLC.

Торговля акциями, опционами, фьючерсами, валютой, иностранным капиталом или инструментами с фиксированным доходом несет существенные риски убытков. Торговля опционами подходит не всем инвесторам. Дополнительная информация доступна в документе Особенности и риски стандартных опционов.

Ваш капитал незащищен, и ваши убытки могут превысить размер первоначальных инвестиций.

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