Warning on Scams

Please be aware that fraudsters may pretend to be part of Interactive Brokers. These "Clone Firms Scams" involve fraudsters who hold themselves out as employees of regulated firms to give the impression they work for a genuine authorised firm.

This fraudulent activity may involve multiple scamming techniques, aimed at convincing consumers that they are dealing with a trustworthy financial institution. Often this involves using authorised firms’ logos, adopting names that resemble those of actual regulated entities, or even using the name and address of authorised persons of the real firm.

Consumers should be particularly wary of people cold calling them, marketing emails from emails that don’t use the firm’s real domain name (for IB, interactivebrokers.com or interactivebrokers.co.uk) , and interactions through social media platforms.

Clone firms often refer to great returns on different investments or offer access to loans or investment/bank accounts for an advance fee.

Protect Yourself

REMEMBER: If it is too good to be true, it probably is!

If you are offered financial services or products by a firm, you should always take the following steps:

  • Verify the details of the firm on its local regulator’s website. For UK firms, you can do this on https://register.fca.org.uk/s/ for the UK Financial Conduct Authority. Links to the other European regulatory websites are available at this link: https://www.esma.europa.eu/about-esma/governance/board-supervisors-and-ncas.
  • Beware that scammers may point you to the real firm’s genuine website but use different details for their communications with you. You should use the information you found on the NCAs' websites to contact the firm.

If you are contacted by someone claiming to work for IBKR, please note:

Identified IBKR Clones

An example of individuals operating as Clone Firms of IBKR is provided at the link below:


Le trading électronique d'actions, d'options, de contrats à terme, de devises, de participations étrangères, et de produits à revenu fixe présente un risque élevé de perte. Le trading d'options ne convient pas à tous les investisseurs. Pour plus d'informations, veuillez vous référer au document « Characteristics and Risks of Standardized Options ».

Vous exposez votre capital à un risque de pertes dont le montant peut être supérieur à celui initialement investi.

Interactive Brokers (U.K.) Limited est autorisée et régulée par la Financial Conduct Authority. Numéro de référence FCA 208159.

Interactive Brokers LLC est régulée par la US SEC et la CFTC. Interactive Brokers LLC est membre du système de compensation de la SIPC (www.sipc.org) ;
les produits ne sont couverts par la UK FSCS que dans certaines circonstances précises.

Avant de commencer à trader, les clients doivent prendre connaissance de nos avertissements sur les risques encourus, sur notre page Avertissements et déclarations

Pour trouver les bourses dont IBG est membre, veuillez consulter la liste de bourses.